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White Racist Display On Fox News

Karl Rove implies that black republicans who voted for Biden in 2020 are simple one issue voters who were easily tricked by the ‘White Replacement Theory’.

In Karl’s alternate facts world, it was Biden democrats that were pushing this theory, not the right wing media like Tucker Carlson on Fox, and Donald at all his Rallies.

Fox News contributors Juan William and Karl Rove clashed over whether President Joe Biden could take any credit after Russian President Vladimir Putin faced a military insurrection over the weekend.

"Well, I tell you, Joe Biden looked pretty good this weekend, didn't he?" Williams said during a panel discussion on Fox News Sunday. "I mean, boy, he's led the allies. He warned early about Putin invading Ukraine."

"Who looks like a weak leader right now?" he added. "America's enemy, Vladimir Putin."

"He's been — he went to Camp David, which was probably a wise move because it kept him out of the scene," Rove shot back. "He's been largely out of it."

"You sound like you're whining because Joe Biden did a good job in Ukraine," Williams replied.

"Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't claim any credit for the resolution of what's happened in the last few days," Rove said.

"Oh, let me get this straight," Williams joked. "You know, former president Trump: 'Putin's my friend, I would have handled it.'"

"Joe Biden needs to be acknowledged when he has success," Williams concluded.

Watch the video below from Fox News.

For those who have a low tolerance for Fox, the Sunday group with Karl starts at 13:42, but the beginning is Fox lying about abortions.