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We must stop Bernie Sanders, and I see no path forward but for my opponents to drop out


Alexandra Petri

Friends, we are at the moment that they warned us about, a moment analogous in every way to the one in the 2016 Republican Party that gave us President Trump (except in the minor details of the values being advanced, the personalities involved, and the policies that the winner, if elected, would advocate). Around this time in 2016, fools were refusing to drop out because they thought they had a path forward when all they were doing was impeding yours, like those goofs who are always milling aimlessly around in front of you whenever you are trying to get through an airport to your connection.

Now is the time to act! It is imperative that we concentrate our efforts to stop Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and that is why I see no path forward for my campaign but for my opponents to drop out of the race.

I am calling on all of my moderate, semi-moderate and wealthy opponents to gracefully exit the nomination contest. They are wrong when they say, ”I am the only one who has a chance against him and everyone else needs to drop out.” I am the only one who has a chance against him, and everyone else needs to drop out.

Now is not the time to cling to a handful of delegates as a sign of viability when you are running out of money. Nor is it time to cling to a pile of money when you have yet to win a single delegate. Now is the time to do what I am doing, not what they are doing.

I call on them to stop calling on me to drop out on the grounds that I lack some combination of popular support, a staff, pledged delegates, cash on hand or a path forward. In fact, I am the only one with a path, assuming that several of them drop out, in which case I will be the clear front-runner to stop Sanders. The only reason I have not yet demonstrated my ability to beat him is because everyone else is still here.

I don’t know what they think their paths are! I guess they assume I will drop out, and they will get my support, which will never happen! No, never, not while there is breath in my body or dollar in my bank account. Besides, I have so little support that I do not see how it will help them.