Tucker Carlson Laps Up Grad’s Claim of Unlearning ‘Woke-ism’ With PragerU

Tucker Carlson Laps Up Grad’s Claim of Unlearning ‘Woke-ism’ With PragerU

Annabella Rockwell just so happens to be PragerU’s Director of Development.

Mount Holyoke graduate and PragerU Director of Development Annabella Rockwell boasted on Tucker Carlson Tonight Monday that she was able to unlearn “woke-ism” from her college years with the help of videos produced by her employer.

Not long after Rockwell’s story of being “deprogrammed” was first published in the New York Post and then unsurprisingly picked up by FoxNews.com and other conservative websites, the pharmaceutical heiress naturally got the call up to the Fox host’s primetime cable news slot.

Rockwell claimed she was estranged from her family upon graduation and said her mother “consulted a cult specialist” who “made it very clear to her: do not affirm your daughter’s newfound identity. You know her best. She is your child. Don’t affirm her.”

“Yes,” Carlson agreed.

Among the changes Rockwell said she made, besides “start[ing] to believe in God again,” was to “unlearn my four years of woke-ism by watching five-minute PragerU videos online for free.”

Carlson, laughing, reacted with approval: Hehehe, “Amazing.” He then took a characteristic shot at a liberal arts education.

“It is a cult,” he declared, suddenly quite serious now. “Its aim is to separate you from the people who love you most. And I’m so impressed and have such respect for your mother for taking it as seriously as it deserves to be taken and for you for getting out of it.”

PragerU describes itself as “a free alternative to the dominant left-wing ideology in culture, media, and education.” The group is named after right-wing talk radio and online video pundit Dennis Prager, who, amid the coronavirus pandemic in April 2020, bragged about using utensils after having fallen on the floor at restaurants.

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