Stupid Letter of the Weak: Ben McAdams backs a sham procedure

Stupid Letter of the Weak: Ben McAdams backs a sham procedure

By Scott Miller | The Public Forum

The rule of law, fundamental fairness, due process, respect for the rights of the accused and respect for the will of the people as expressed by an election. These are the hallmarks of the American system and the cherished values that we hold dear.

Unfortunately, many Utah Democrats, and especially 4th District Rep. Ben McAdams, seem to have lost sight of these values in their obsessive quest for President Trump's impeachment.

If politicians want to pursue an impeachment inquiry, the precedent of fairness, due process, and more are already in place. The work was done decades ago and the rules of engagement established. The Democrat Peter Rodino during the Nixon impeachment, and the Republican Speaker Newt Gingrich during the Clinton impeachment, understood and played by the rules that ensured a fair, bipartisan and respectful impeachment inquiry.

But just last Thursday, McAdams cast his vote for a sham procedure; one that does not guarantee fairness, due process, and more.

The Salt Lake County Republican Party calls on county residents to stand up for fundamental fairness, due process and a respect for our election process. Enough is enough with hyper-partisanship and the rabid obsession to turn back a hard-won election.

No matter how hard McAdams tries to spin his vote and justify his partisan actions, if McAdams and his fellow Democrats really want an investigation, then do it right and follow the previously established rules of engagement. Process and basic principles of fairness matter.

Scott Miller, chair, Salt Lake County Republican Party

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