Rush Limbaugh Says Conservative States Are 'Trending Toward Secession' From U.S.

Rush Limbaugh Says Conservative States Are 'Trending Toward Secession' From U.S.

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has suggested that some American states could soon breakaway from the United States and declare independence.

Speaking on his program, The Rush Limbaugh Show, on Wednesday, Limbaugh claimed that "there cannot be a peaceful coexistence" between liberal and conservative America, which he said had increasingly different cultures.

Some states are "trending toward secession" as a result, he said, adding that there was "sizable and growing sentiment" for declaring independence from the U.S. in those which have a majority of conservative or right-wing voters.

The talk show presenter made the remarks in response to a question from his show's official program observer about whether Republicans could ever win major national elections "without taking back blue cities."

Limbaugh said that the party had already won many elections without doing so in the past, before discussing whether conservatives could "dominate...the culture."

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