Poll: Majority of Dems in early voting states want Trump imprisoned

Poll: Majority of Dems in early voting states want Trump imprisoned

Firehouse Strategies, a Republican firm, and data company Optimus found that a majority of 1,765 likely Democratic primary voters in early voting states believe that President Trump should not only be impeached but also imprisoned.

The big picture: Support for impeachment has continued to climb since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced an inquiry into allegations that Trump in July tried to pressure the president of Ukraine into investigating Joe Biden, but there has been little polling on the public's opinion on imprisonment for the president.

Details: 53% of respondents in Iowa, 50% in New Hampshire, and 54% in South Carolina agreed with the statement: "Some members of Congress have stated that President Trump should not only be impeached, but also imprisoned."

The survey was conducted from Oct. 8-10, 2019, from a sample of 1,765 likely 2020 Democratic presidential primary voters in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina via landline (IA: 219; NH: 225; SC: 239), cellphone (IA: 107; NH: 113; SC: 116) and text messaging (IA: 222; NH: 272; SC: 252). Each state sample was weighted by age group, gender and political party to reflect the demographic characteristics of the likely voter population within each state. Margins of error vary by question and segment but is generally ± 3.6% in IA, ± 3.7% in NH, and ± 3.7% in SC for the topline results.


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