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One Brit's thoughts on the states

I, a British person, will now list all 50 states of the USA and what I believe they're famous for without googling. Alphabetical order if you're looking for a particular one. A thread:

To the best of my knowledge Alabama is famous for having their fingers crossed when they surrendered.

To the best of my knowledge Alaska is famous for being in Canada.

To the best of my knowledge Arizona is famous for being where Satan vacations to get some heat.

To the best of my knowledge Arkansas is famous for literally nothing.

To the best of my knowledge California is famous for being where you can get wine and get exploited.

To the best of my knowledge Colorado didn't exist until they invented weed a few years ago.

To the best of my knowledge Connecticut is famous for where Bostonians stop for gas on the way to New York.

To the best of my knowledge Delaware isn't famous, just first.

To the best of my knowledge Florida is famous for literally every news article that makes Europe go "oh god that country"

To the best of my knowledge Georgia is famous for being on the end of some TV shows we see over here and maybe has peaches.

To the best of my knowledge Hawaii is a beautiful place that once had royalty and the deposed queen wrote a book.

To the best of my knowledge Idaho is famous for making and eating potatoes.

To the best of my knowledge Illinois is famous for having a place called "The Windy City" as if that's a positive trait somehow.

To the best of my knowledge Indiana is famous for being named as a 'fuck you' to the people who lived there to start with.

To the best of my knowledge Iowa is famous for corn and nothing else.

To the best of my knowledge Kansas is famous for The Wizard Of Oz and it's been downhill ever since.

To the best of my knowledge Kentucky is famous for the chicken fast food places.

To the best of my knowledge Louisiana is famous, I assume, because someone called Louise lived there and was cool.

To the best of my knowledge Maine is famous for lobsters and weird accents in movies.

To the best of my knowledge Maryland is famous for being a theme park brimming with people called Mary.

To the best of my knowledge Massachusetts is famous for Matt Damon movies.

To the best of my knowledge Michigan is famous for having a city that made enough cars that everyone could leave.

To the best of my knowledge Minnesota is famous for saying 'oh yah?' like in that movie with the pregnant lady and Steve Buscemi.

To the best of my knowledge Mississippi is famous for a hillbilly river.

To the best of my knowledge Missouri is famous for having a place called Kansas City just to confuse people.

To the best of my knowledge Montana is famous for being a mountain people live on.

To the best of my knowledge Nebraska is famous for being flat which, guys, c'mon, that's not an achievement.

To the best of my knowledge Nevada is famous for losing all your money in the desert.

To the best of my knowledge New Hampshire is famous for being nothing like actual Hampshire.

To the best of my knowledge New Jersey is famous for being nothing like actual Jersey.

To the best of my knowledge New Mexico is famous for being nothing like actual Mexico.

To the best of my knowledge New York is famous for being nothing like actual York.

The the best of my knowledge North Carolina is famous for inventing the phrase "Is Pepsi OK?"

To the best of my knowledge North Dakota is famous for nothing, I've literally never heard of it.

To the best of my knowledge Ohio is famous for having at least one talented astrophysicist.

To the best of my knowledge Oklahoma is famous for a musical I haven't seen.

To the best of my knowledge Oregon is famous for being named after a herb. Other than that, this whole place is news to me.

To the best of my knowledge Pennsylvania is where the Amish live, and they're apparently just like our European Dutch people.

To the best of my knowledge Rhode Island is famous for, err, being an island I guess?

To the best of my knowledge South Carolina is famous for getting merc'd by nature on the regular.

To the best of my knowledge South Dakota is famous for nothing, I've literally never heard of it.

To the best of my knowledge Tennessee is famous for saying "I do declare" and people fanning themselves on their porches.

To the best of my knowledge Texas is famous for big trucks and small dicks.

To the best of my knowledge Utah is famous for being where all your morons and preppers and general nutjobs gather together to be alone.

To the best of my knowledge Vermont is famous for being the home of famed socialist and progressive politician Bernie Sanders.

To the best of my knowledge Virginia is famous for tricking me, as I thought it was one of those states where there's a north and south because of that song. I was expecting to have to deal with East and West Virginia seperately.

To the best of my knowledge Washington is famous for not being Washington DC which is elsewhere and not a state, but also not a town. I think Washington (this one) is where Frasier lives.

To the best of my knowledge West Virginia is famous for ok what the fuck, why is there a Virginia and a West Virginia. Get your shit together.

To the best of my knowledge Wisconsin is famous for being where you Americans pretend to make cheese and fail.

To the best of my knowledge Wyoming is just a big field with a buffalo in it.
