Nashville RV bombing
Everything about this story could ONLY come from the South. Now I’m gonna link the Associated Press story, but… I need to vent a little bit about this. AP story here
Now, here’s how this fell out. A recreational vehicle, parked outside of a courthouse in Nashville, suddenly blares out “I AM A BOMB! I will explode in FIFTEEN MINUTES! If you value your lives, evacuate the area!”
Smart people evacuated the area. Cops swarmed the area, drew down on the RV, and demanded its immediate surrender. It’s response? “I am a bomb. I will explode in TEN MINUTES!”
Well, the cops only have one tool in their toobox: they opened fire. They shot that RV so full of holes, the holes had holes. And they kept it up right up until explodey time.
“... if you can hear this message, evacuate now,”
The only people injured, were HEEDLESS of all loudly-broadcast warning.
Now, the symbolism can’t be missed.
To blow up a courthouse on Christmas Day? With fair warning that that’s exactly what you’re doing? That’s… actually CLASSY. That’s a SYMBOLIC ACT that could win people over.
You went our of your way to get innocent people out of harm’s way, the government did every stupid thing possible, and in the end you accomplished your goal! These are what partisans look like.
OK, getting off my soapbox. I’m sure many of you will have differing opinions.