Letter: The beam in your own eye


For the past several months, liberal brothers and sisters in my church have been editorializing to me and others that you can’t be a conservative and a good member of my church.

While you blame conservatives for the coronavirus that was originated and spread by communist China, I hope you can acknowledge that conservatives will eradicate the virus through a public/private partnership in warp speed.

You insult conservatives claiming they are responsible for the tragic death of nearly 300,000 Americans from a once-in-a-century pandemic, while liberals support a party and politicians that advocate and fund 1 million abortions annually.

Liberals claim moral high ground in social justice and equality while they ignore conservative principles of capitalism, fair trade, low taxes and entrepreneurship that has led to the lowest unemployment and lowest poverty levels in over 60 years. So before liberal church intellectuals, Brigham Young University professors and “inclusion” advocates boast of your moral superiority, please read Matthew 7:3-5.

Todd Stevens, Salt Lake City

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