Letter: Since most people in Utah are conservative, The Tribune should follow suit

Letter: Since most people in Utah are conservative, The Tribune should follow suit

By Phil Neelands | The Public Forum

In The Tribune’s Oct. 28 edition, Robert Gehrke’s column states that in Utah Trump’s approval was 53% in a poll released last week, up 5% from the same poll taken three months earlier. If indeed that’s the case, why is the Tribune’s coverage so biased against Trump? The Tribune’s signature is “Utah’s Independent Voice,” yet 90% of Trump’s coverage is totally negative, including the editorials, the columnists, and the letters you publish. If indeed that’s the case and the majority of the state’s population is pro-Trump, why can’t you publish at least some of Trump’s accomplishments that have been extremely successful? Why can’t you publish at least a couple conservative columnists now and then, instead of almost all of your columnists from extremely liberal national publications?

I’ve been in business all my life, and most businesses always try to please the majority of their customers. Since polls show that the majority of the people in Utah are conservative, it just seems to me that one of the reasons for the Tribune’s declining circulation is because you don’t give the majority any of the political views they would like to see. Hopefully that will change. After all, why not give it a shot?

Phil Neelands, Murray




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