Disqus Refugees

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Letter Of The Weak

I’ve lived in Utah so long Stink, I figure I got this.

Letter to the Editor:

Thank God our local Sinclair News station covered this story showing how the ideals of Saint Ronald Reagan are finally turning into reality. Yes, the wealthy rich can now consume gold.

Nothing says “I’ve made it”, like 24 carat gold toppings on your pizza pie. Trillionaires and billionaires can now eat like true kings. Why shouldn’t they, they earned every penny on their own. And thanks to this free market capitalism solving all problems, soon even those that did not qualify for the trump tax cuts will be able to afford* this beautiful symbol of luxury for lunch or dinner.

*By the slice only.

And this will finally make the Laffer Curve take off like a brown rocket, as the poor pull themselves up by their bootstraps with only a shovel and pan needed down to the sewage pond.

Now all that is needed is for our great GOP leaders in congress to stop the evil socialism and add another round of tax cuts for the rich, to keep those brown rockets flowing. Thus proving once again that the rising Republican tide floods all waders*. Thanks to our free market capitalism happy days are here again America.

*Get yours now before the rush.

Signed, The Lesser of Two Evils in Spanish Fork.