Letter of the weak: Don’t tell people not to pray

Letter of the weak: Don’t tell people not to pray

By Carl Johnson | The Public Forum

I found Jamie Belnap’s opinion piece in the Good Friday edition of The Tribune highly offensive and in very poor taste.

Whether a person is of little faith or even no faith, to ask people of faith not to pray and not to fast in supplication to a Supreme Being for intervention in a crisis is the height of arrogance.

There are still many people who believe in an omnipotent God — and in one who is caring and loving and very capable of performing miracles in his time and way.

Does he expect us to roll up our sleeves and go to work in those situations where we can and should? Of course he does. Does he expect us to be charitable and do good in ways that we can? That, too. But to ask people not to pray and fast in requesting the Lord’s assistance in an overwhelming situation is repugnant.

And then to suggest that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is not doing its part in providing assistance is purely ignorant — when it is known throughout the world that they are almost always one of the first responders to emergencies and crises in the most far-flung and difficult circumstances in the world.

Perhaps you should assess your own faith — or lack of it — before you attempt to counsel those whose united faith and prayers just may have an impact.

Carl Johnson, Eagle Mountain


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