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Letter: Entitled to his opinion

By Larry Henkels | The Public Forum

Mr. Ruff is certainly entitled to his opinion about Trump (“We need a real leader,” Salt Lake Tribune, May 19). But the same adjectives he uses to describe this president could have also been used for President Obama.

The real difference between the two leaders is that Trump didn’t weaponize the IRS, the CIA or the FBI like Obama did. The media has spent over three and a half years trying to smother Trump with one false narrative after another.

I don’t expect people like Mr. Ruff to accept this as fact and frankly I don’t care. Again, he’s entitled to his opinion.

Larry Henkels, Salt Lake City


Here is the letter that this is in response to


Letter: We need a real leader

By Glen V. Ruff | The Public Forum

To put a lying, egotistical tyrant in office is asinine. Especially one who thinks he is omnipotent, who fantasizes his knowledge exceeds all others in all things, who surrounds himself with spineless sycophants who grovel at his feet. (They’re known as Republicans).

This spectacle would be comical if it wasn’t so tragic. What’s needed now is a sane, truthful, rational diplomat who can organize the best talent available to solve real problems with real answers. And one who knows when to keep his big mouth shut.

Glen V. Ruff, Springville