Kenosha prosecutors fight to modify Rittenhouse's bond agreement after photos surface of him with Proud Boys

Kenosha prosecutors fight to modify Rittenhouse's bond agreement after photos surface of him with Proud Boys

Prosecutors in Kenosha, Wisc. are filing a motion to implement modifications for Kyle Rittenhouse amid the circulation of incriminating photos of him with the Proud Boys.

According to WTMJ4-Milwaukee, the 18-year-old, who is facing charges for the fatal shooting of two protesters in Kenosha, found himself at the center of controversy after posing for photos with members of the Proud Boys.

In the photos, Rittenhouse—who is out of jail on a $2 million bond paid for with funds raised by conservative groups like the Proud Boys—was seen holding up the white power symbol as they sang the far-right, neo-fascist, organization's official song. Since Rittenhouse entered the bar with his mother, Wendy Rittenhouse, he was also seen consuming alcohol. Surveillance footage captured a bartender serving the teen a beer.

The Kenosha County prosecutors' motion also states that: "The defendant then remained with these 'Proud Boys' for the entire time he was in the bar." However, the Wisconsin bond agreement currently does not include any specifications to prohibit him from doing most of what he was photographed doing.

According to the publication, Rittenhouse's "bond agreement, in its current state, does not restrict Rittenhouse from entering a bar or drinking alcohol - as those underage are allowed to do in the company of parents in Wisconsin - nor does it stop him from fraternizing with known members of white supremacist groups."

Now, prosecutors are looking to change that.

Prosecutors have a list of modifications for Rittenhouse's bond including:

  • The defendant shall be prohibited from possessing or consuming alcohol.

  • The defendant shall not be present in any establishment where alcohol is served.

  • The defendant shall be prohibited from making any public display of any "white power" or "white supremacy" signs, symbols, or hand gestures.

  • The defendant shall have no contact with any known militia members or known members of any violent white power/white supremacist groups or organizations, including but not limited to the group identified as the "Proud Boys."

In the motion, prosecutors also outlined the problem with Rittenhouse's "continued association" with members of the far-right group.

"The defendant's continued association with members of a group that prides itself on violence, and the use of their symbols, raises the significant possibility of future harm," the motion reads. "Further, this association may serve to intimidate potential witnesses, who may be unwilling to testify in this case because they may fear that the defendant's associates with harm them or their families."

Rittenhouse's next court appearance is scheduled for March 10.

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