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Herschel Walker tells disenchanted young Americans to 'find somewhere else' and give up citizenship

The new GOP message for young Americans.

Republican United States Senate candidate Herschel Walker of Georgia said on Saturday that young Americans have no "right" to demand a better future and that those who are dissatisfied with life in the US should leave.

Walker delivered his remarks in an appearance with human trafficking investigator Christine Dolan, who asked Walker how he felt about Generation Z, whom Dolan noted came of age during the digital revolution.


Herschel, how do you feel about people that wanna change America from when you and I were kids? I mean, they, I mean, there's, you know, we have I guess it's eighty to ninety or seventy to eighty million people in America that were born after 1990. So these are kids who, you know, who grew up, you know, when they were ten years of age with the real beginning of the computers and the internet at home. So they don't know the world that we know pre-internet.

They don't know that the bullying was not really – we may have been bullied when we were kids, you know, in a class, or teased and things like that – but not, not the type of culture that these kids have with the internet today. What do you say to those kids and those young people that are voting?


Well, first of all, they don't know that the grass is not greener on the other side, that they think there's somewhere better, and if they know another place that's better than the United States of America, my thing is, why don't you go there? Or tell me and let me know who that is because I can tell them right now there's not.

Back in 2017, Quartz published an analysis of how the United States ranked at the time compared to "any country claiming to achieve complete sustainable development," based on seventeen criteria established by the United Nations. Quartz "found that the US performs scores dismally in most areas—such as healthcare, education, and violence."

Walker appeared to be completely unaware of that, implying that progress is un-American:

I think our biggest problem is we have not shown our kids that most of the people today haven’t earned the right to change America. And what I mean by that. There's people that have died, that have given their life up, there are people that have given their life up for this flag, they've given this life up, that, for this National Anthem, they've given their life up for our freedom and these liberties that we have in this country today. And we're taking it for granted. Well, I don't want that to happen. And I'm saying, and I'm not being tough, I'm saying if you know a place better, you go there, but you’ll lose your citizenship here in the United States of America.