First He Tried to Stop Gays From Marrying. Now Top Social Conservative Thinker Wants DOJ to Stop People From Using Porn.
NOM Co-Founder Demands DOJ Prosecute More ‘Obscenity’ Cases to Reduce ‘Proliferation’
The co-founder of the National Organization For Marriage (NOM), having failed to stop same-sex couples from legally marrying nationwide, is turning his sights to pornography. Dr. Robert P. George, who is also a noted Princeton University professor, is calling on Attorney General Bill Barr to ramp up prosecution of “obscenity” cases at the Dept. of Justice to reduce availability of the material.
In a letter Dr. George tells Barr “it appears to me that DOJ is not prosecuting a sufficient number of federal obscenity cases to discourage its proliferation.”
George appears to conflate “illegal pornography” with all pornography, writing:
As everyone knows, the online pornography industry has exploded. There has been a dramatic rise in illegal pornography production and distribution. Hotels, cable and TV companies, and Internet pornography distributors regularly sell pornography featuring horrific themes such as the rape of teenagers, incest, sexual assault, sex trafficking and slavery, suffocation, bondage, and even cartoon pornography targeted at minor children. Racism and misogyny are rampant. A 13-year-old with a smartphone now has unlimited access to his own personal theatre of sexual horrors.
In an interview with the right wing Daily Caller website George called pornography “a public health and a public safety and a public morality issue.” He says it should not be protected by the First Amendment, and blamed liberals for its acceptance.
Last month Vox’s Jane Coaston reported, “Social conservatives are ready to launch a new national war on pornography.”
It appears shots have been fired.