They don't just hate 'Blue Lives' anymore...

They don't just hate 'Blue Lives' anymore...

Republican looks to kill regulations designed to protect firefighters

Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) wants to eliminate work requirements that protect firefighters and emergency medical responders, Bloomberg Law wrote Monday.

Foxx is fighting regulations from Labor Secretary Julie Su that require training standards and rules aimed at safeguarding the first responders.

In a letter complaining about the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Foxx claims that regulations make it difficult for rural communities where there is nothing other than a volunteer firefighting force.

She also argued that with training mandates, fewer people will be willing to become firefighters.

The agency should "consider alternative ways to protect health and safety of emergency responders," claimed Foxx

Less than 20 years ago, Foxx was bragging about bringing funds back to her district to help with training for firefighters.

“These funds will be used to greatly improve our firefighters’ safety," Kernersville Fire Chief Jimmy Barrow said at the time.

In 2022, Foxx fought the Federal Firefighters Fairness Act, which provided funding for those who were diagnosed with certain types of heart disease, lung disease, or cancer. Foxx claimed that the law made an assumption that the firefighters contracted the disease at work and she demanded tighter restrictions on care.

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